About CereShift

We are a team of caretakers. 
We genuinely enjoy caring for others, and seeing the positive results of that care.  We haven’t found a better way to do that than with a practice focused on the brain.

We DIG learning about the brain! 
We do research and dig deep to get answers.  Our search led us to Iasis Microcurrent Neurofeedback.  Nothing we know of is more effective at springboarding a person to a better life.

We work best within community.
We seek out and find like-minded, caring providers. We love adding value to their practices with our expertise, and being able to refer our clients to excellent people.

We love stories. 
Our clients’ pre-Iasis and post-Iasis stories are especially fun to hear. We’ve each shared a bit of our story below. We can’t wait to hear yours!

Meet Our Team

VAL GOURLAS, ICT-P, ICM, IASIS Clinical Advisor-Curriculum

VAL GOURLAS, ICT-P, ICM, IASIS Clinical Advisor-Curriculum

“…my Iasis therapy has made ALL the difference.

In fact, I have not had one depressed day since starting therapy.

…I am honored to be an Iasis Certified Provider.  My work as an Iasis therapist allows me to give to others out of the gifts that God has providentially sown in me.  When I meet a new client, I am always so excited to watch the huge difference Iasis makes in the handful of weeks that are typically necessary for lasting change!  I’m especially grateful to be married to such a brilliant man who will oversee me and, as an avid researcher and compassionate functional medicine provider, will add such value to our clients and our practice.”

Read Val’s full Iasis MCN success story here.

When Val isn’t helping people change their lives through microcurrent neurofeedback she enjoys learning new things and teaching them to anyone who will listen, cooking huge and healthy meals, and spending time outdoors with the fam.


JULIE MCCULLOUGH, ICT-P zoom in picture


“I received excellent medical care for my thyroid cancer, but didn’t like the thought of relying on pharmaceuticals for the rest of my life. I dove into research on nutrition and establishing healthy eating habits. Thus began my journey towards caring for our growing family through natural whole foods and holistic health practices.

As I continue to discover additional ways to improve my family’s health and vitality, I am amazed by the unique design of the body! I have reaped the benefits of a holistic approach to overall health and wellness, and I am thrilled to share new strategies of health with others.”

 Read about Julie’s holistic wellness journey here.

In her free time Julie loves taking outdoor adventures with her husband Doug, gardening, cooking, and playing with her two spunky dogs.



“I love solving puzzles and mysteries.   I see the mind-body connection as a puzzle and a mystery. 

I’ve also always loved to help.  I worked in the non-profit world to help people with disabilities, people coming off welfare, and people coming out of prison become employed. I got a master’s degree to further help people become the best version of themselves. As my career progressed I found my way to coaching and then to natural healing modalities.  I wanted to make a difference for people by helping them change dysfunctional behavior patterns so they could lead a successful life without all of the baggage of their past. 

IASIS MCN therapy provides a way for people to experience deep lasting change.  I’m so glad to be able to partner with our clients on their wellness journey!”

Read more about Sandy here.

In Sandy’s free time, she loves to read.  She’ll read just about anything.  She also loves figuring out a good mystery in the pages of a book, or even on the big screen.  She and her husband love baseball, and spending time with family and friends.



“For many years, I struggled with health issues. I consulted various doctors who often diagnosed me with
depression and prescribed pills, but deep down, I knew this wasn’t the solution for me. Determined to
discover an alternative, I continued my search until one day I found a new approach: functional medicine!!! I was able to stop masking symptoms, and I finally addressed the root cause of my health issues. By altering my diet, incorporating natural supplements, and IASIS MCN therapy, I’ve regained my full vitality! There is hope, and I wish everyone could experience this liberation.”

Catch a glimpse of Kandise’s journey here.

Kandise has been happily married to her dear husband Donny for 20 years, and they are blessed with two wonderful children. Cooking and eating bring her joy, along with working out and gardening. Whenever possible, she cherishes escaping to the beach.



 “I was skeptical when I first tried Iasis, but it helped beyond what I had even hoped for. It allowed me to let go of painful memories, encouraging healing in my marriage.

 After seeing the drastic impact Iasis had on my daughters’ lives, my younger with ADHD and the older with post-concussion syndrome and dysautonomia, I longed to give hope to others suffering from chronic health issues.

I believe everyone has a story. Working as an Iasis therapist has given me the opportunity to be a player in my clients’ stories, if only for a chapter. Seeing a client’s countenance lift, from one session to the next, is the best part of my job. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to help others using Iasis, as I know how much it improved my life.”

Read Michelle’s full Iasis MCN success story here.

Michelle’s hobbies include birdwatching, glamping, and reading good murder mysteries.




“I have always felt a strong desire to help my friends and family feel better and live well.  I am thankful for the opportunity to add Iasis MCN to my recommendations.   I am inspired by the many stories of lives changed and look forward to helping others with this therapy. 

I have an educational background in psychology and am a longtime believer in the interconnectedness of mind and body. After applying my psychology training in my roles as a mother and youth leader for over 20 years, I am excited to transition to a clinical setting. I enjoy working with people and showing empathy and compassion in a way to facilitate their holistic healing.”

Read more about Cene’ here.

Cene’ enjoys good conversations over a good cup of coffee, reading, traveling, volunteering with students at church, and visiting her family.


JASON GOURLAS, MPAS, PA-C, ICP, ICM, IASIS Clinical Advisor-Curriculum

JASON GOURLAS, MPAS, PA-C, ICP, ICM, IASIS Clinical Advisor-Curriculum

“Problems with the brain manifest as the sometimes seemingly unrelated conditions of depression, anxiety, hypervigilance, insomnia, cognitive issues, cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity, gastrointestinal problems, etc.  This list is endless. Most don’t make the connection between the brain and the rest of the body. After many years in functional medicine, I realized that the most impactful part of my job is to see that they do.”

Read about Jason’s journey to Iasis MCN here.

When he’s not researching the brain, Jason enjoys researching myriad other topics.  He loves the outdoors, hiking, and spending time with his family.  If you’re a provider and want more information than this page provides, please email him at jason@cereshift.com.